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Client Preference for Therapist Medication Attitude

Client Question

What would you like your therapist to think about using medications (drugs) in conjunction with therapy?

Medications are usually useful,
and should probably be tried for
most clients with serious problems.

Medications should be used very sparingly, and
only tried in the most extreme cases, or after
most other methods have been unsuccessful.

How important is it that your therapist feel this way about using medications?

Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Completely Unimportant

Therapist Question

What is your feeling about using psychopharmacology (medication) in conjuction with your therapy?

Medications are usually useful,
and should probably be tried for
most clients with serious problems.

Medications should be used very sparingly, and
only tried in the most extreme cases, or after
most other methods have been unsuccessful.

The assessment above shows both the client's preference for their therapist's attitude towards medication, and the therapist self-assessment in this area. The main purpose of these assessments in TMatch were for matching by client preference.