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The Therapeutic Reactance Scale (TRS) (Dowd, Milne, & Wise, 1991) was recommended by Beutler and Harwood (2000, p.43) for measuring client resistance. This is a 28 question test developed to measure client reactance. Since there wasn't room in the client questionnaire for all 28 questions, it was decided to reduce the scale to 10 questions. Using factor analysis, Dowd et al. have separated the TRS into the two factors of behavioral reactance and verbal reactance. It was decided to select the five questions that had the highest factor loadings on each of these scales. This was done mainly by selecting all the questions that had a factor loading of 0.5 or higher on any factor. It turns out that there are exactly 5 questions that had factor loadings of 0.50 or higher on the behavioral reactance factor, and 4 questions on the verbal reactance factor. Therefore, one extra question was selected for the verbal reactance factor by choosing the next highest factor loading, which was 0.48.
Beutler, L. E., & Harwood, T. M. (2000). Prescriptive psychotherapy: A practical guide to systematic treatment selection. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dowd, E. T., Milne, C. R., & Wise, S. L. (1991). The Therapeutic Reactance Scale: A measure of psychological reactance. Journal of Counseling and Development, 69, 541-545.